Will Durst

For Sonoma County comedy fans, December will be the best of times and the Durst of times.

Nationally known Bay Area political satirist and stand-up comic Will Durst has two shows scheduled in the area this month.

Durst will make his Studio E debut at the venue near Sebastopol, at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21. Tickets cost $21. For reservations and directions: (707) 823-5316, jeffm5@sonic.net.

Durst and his wife, comedian Debi Durst, will join comics Johnny Steele, Michael Bossier and Mari Magaloni in the 20th annualĀ  “Big Fat Year End Comedy Show XX” at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 30, at the Last Day Saloon, 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. Cost: $20. Information: (707) 545-2343, lastdaysaloon.com.

One of Will Durst’s virtues as a political satirist is that he’s willing to pick targets on both sides of the poltical spectrum.

Durst once said of President Obama: “He always looks like he’s posing for Mount Rushmore.”

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