On the opening day at the Sonoma County Fair, I’d like write something that’s a little different from the usual preview of the rides, the races, the carnival and the midway.

This is a story about one of fair’s biggest fans, who won’t be able to make it to the fairgrounds this year.

On June 30, I got an email from Betty Hartzog in Ozark, Alabama. It began:

“Dan, my son Charlie and I moved from Calfornia last October. Charlie is autistic.

“The Sonoma County fair is his most obsessed-about thing in the Universe. A friend of his says, ‘Charlie IS the fair,’ and would always take him, as would I, and anyone else who knew how much fun he is there.

“What I am hoping is that you might possibly could find and send me, for him, one of those booklet inserts that comes with the paper each year with all the listings. He would be so happy.”

I told Betty we’d see what we could do. My wife went by the fairgrounds the next day and got some fair goodies, which we shipped to Charlie.

I also passed Betty’s note to Marlina Harrison, the publicist at the Sonoma County Fair, who promised to send Charlie the works — “posters, stickers, anything I can find.”

Meanwhile, Betty and I continued to exchange emails. My first impression was that Charlie was a child, but I soon learned that he turned 42 on July 4.  He didn’t speak until he was 7, and began to make eye contact and communicate at 18. 

“He seems forever young when you are around him,” Betty said.

 Charlie  has been in and out of the hospital recently with serious dental problems, and isn’t up to traveling much. But a bit of his beloved fair was delivered to him.

By July 15, Charlie’s fair memorabilia had arrived by mail, and Betty sent an update.

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Marlina,

“Charlie got both of his packages and was so delighted. They came perfectly timed and spaced by a couple of days to extend the joy. And he was so pleased — he walked with the spring in his step with his head all raised and cocked and so jaunty. He was a happy man.

“He takes his fair book with him everywhere he goes. And he loved the ribbon.”

So, when you’re out enjoying the fair this year, think of Charlie in Alabama, who is pleased just have stuff with the fair logo on it.

The Sonoma County Fair runs Tuesday, July 28, through Sunday, Aug. 9, at the fairgrounds, 1350 Bennett Valley Road, Santa Rosa.

Admission: $9 adults; $3 ages 7-12; 6 and younger free; 60 and older free Tuesdays. sonomacountyfair.com,   545-4200.

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