There is something about the accordion that encourages good humor. The instrument itself can sound like a happy chuckle. And its players have gotten used to teasing.

Good times will abound Aug. 22-23 at Cotati’s La Plaza Park, when the 19th annual Cotati Accordion Festival presents Los Texmaniacs, Frank Maroco and Those Darn Accordions and two dozen other acts.

To get you in the mood for the event, here some samples of the kind of self-mocking  jokes accordion players love to tell about their beloved instrument:

What is perfect pitch?

That’s when you throw an accordion and it lands in a Dumpster full of banjos.

What is a bassoon good for? Kindling to start an accordion fire.

This guy plays a New Year’s Eve gig and afterward the club owner says “Great job, can you play again next year?”

The accordionist replies, “Sure, can I leave my instrument here until then?”

A musician notices the window of his parked car has been smashed, so he checks to see if his accordion is still there. But when he opens up the car, he finds out somebody has left three more accordions on the back seat.

How do you make two accordionists play in time?

Shoot one of them.

What’s the difference between an accordion and a trampoline?

You take your shoes off before you jump up and down on a trampoline.

The difference between an onion and accordion?

People cry when they chop up onions.


Got any accordion jokes? Go ahead and post them.

Details on the Cotati Accordion Festival: $15 in advance; $17 at the gate; $25 both days; children 14 and under free. 664-0444,

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