When you get an email with a subject line that reads, “Press release B&E benefit,” you might wonder why anyone wants to raise money for breaking and entering.

But no, the “B&E” in this instance stands for Petaluma’s annual Butter and Egg Days festival and parade. (By the way, it’s “Egg,” not “Eggs,” as many a cranky copy editor has pointed out over the years.)

The event escaped cancellation last year, despite city budget cuts and rising costs, when community donors rallied to save it.

This year, the parade’s supporters have a chance to help in advance, by attending a benefit concert this Saturday, Feb. 27, at the TAPS Restaurant and Tap Room, 205 Kentucky St., Petaluma.

The party starts at 7 p.m. with beer and appetizers, followed by live music by Randy & The Special Agents at 7:30 p.m. and Five A.M. at 10 p.m. (Read that back slowly. Five A.M. is the rock band, playing acoustic this time. 10 p.m. is when they play. Who says reporting entertainment events is easy?)

Tickets cost $15. That price includes both the first beer and a limited-edition button that says, “Don’t Rain on My Parade.” For information, phone the Petaluma Downtown Association, 762-9348.

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