
Forestville artist Lauri Luck. (Press Democrat photo by Beth Schlanker.)

Longtime radio newsman Paul Harvey used to have a regular feature he called “The Rest of the Story.”

That always seemed like a good  idea, since once a story is initially reported, we don’t always hear how it eventually turned out.

Last month, I wrote a feature story about Forestville artist Lauri Luck, who decided to celebrate her 60th birthday ( March 27) by creating 60 small pieces of art — paintings and dog statues made of wood — and hiding them all over Sonoma County. Read the story here and see photos here.

Then she posted clues on her web site, containing hints about the locations where she’d stashed her work. Anyone who found them, could keep them.

“I hope people look for these. I just don’t know,” she said at the time.

She needn’t have worried. Her treasure hunt was a success.

“People found all 60 of the pieces,” Luck said last weekend at her studio in Sebastopol.

In fact, there were 61 in all, because Luck momentarily forgot whether she had in fact hidden one of them as planned, and created an extra.

“The first treasure finder was on horseback. Her name is Dixie Keith and her horse is George,” Luck said. “They found the Forestview Creek Trail treasure in Santa Rosa.”

Some of the lucky treasure finders brought their pieces to Luck’s studio March 29 for a belated “60×60” birthday party and art reception, complete with cake and her locally famous homemade pie.

For more on Luck and her monthly “Pie-Eyed” studio parties, visit

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